2. View Models
In our second episode, we discuss view models.
Chris starts with a bold definition of what they are, and more importantly, what they aren't. Soroush raises some concerns he's had with view models, and Chris explains his approach. Finally, we touch on how reactive programming is related to view models.
- Soroush's post: MVVM is not very good
- Ash Furrow's response: MVVM is exceptionally ok
- The Facade Pattern
- Canonical MVVM, by Rogelio Gudino, delves into the backstory of how MVVM got started at Microsoft
- Caleb Davenport and Sam Soffes discuss view models for empty states on runtime.fm
- Sources and Sinks
- The ReactiveViewModel README has an excellent description of MVVM architecture and its benefits
- ReactiveCocoa and MVVM, an Introduction, from Bob Spryn, walks through theory and examples of the MVVM architecture, using ReactiveCocoa for bindings
- MVVM in Swift reviews Artsy's experience in transitioning to MVVM in Swift
- C-41 from Ash Furrow is an OSS application demonstrating MVVM
- On Pinboard, Chris has collected a lot of other useful MVVM links