41. Talking Swift-Evolution with Kelvin
- Karlie Kloss
- Xcode 9’s new editor is written in Swift (WWDC 2017 Initial Impressions)
- swift-evolution mailing list
- swift-evolution GitHub repository
- Kelvin’s proposal to improve Swift’s pointer types
- Andy Trick on Twitter
- Swift 5: start your engines announced the new evolution process changes
- Soroush’s guard-catch proposal (see also Episode 37: Soroush’s Swift Evolution Proposal)
- Chris Lattner: “Because proposals must be implemented before review, the core team is pre-reviewing proposals to provide guidance of whether they are conceptually plausible for inclusion in swift. This is to avoid the problem of someone spending a bunch of time implementing something, then the core team saying ‘no, that's a bad idea’”
- David Hart: “To be clear: proposals need an implementation but its not important who implements it. The core team has also implied that they might help pair proposal authors with implementors, so I wouldn't worry about that part.”
- [swift-evolution] [RFC] Definitive Initialization and Incompatibilities with Fixed-size Arrays
- [swift-evolution] Plan to move swift-evolution and swift-users mailing lists to Discourse
- kelvin13 · GitHub
- Unified libc import
- March 2016 (Brian Gesiak): [swift-evolution] [Draft] Unify "import Darwin/Glibc" to simply "Libc"
- August 2017 (Kelvin): [swift-evolution] pitch: Unified libc import (again)
- SwiftGL/Image
- Readings on procedural noise
- Noise Functions and Map Generation (the end of this post includes a bunch of other interesting links)
- Textbooks: Texturing and Modeling, A Procedural Approach; GPU Gems
- Atom with Swift: swift-language-89; linter-swiftc